Maintained & operated by IntraHealth International

Link patient identities between systems for clinical safety, continuity of care, and accurate reporting using an easily adaptable, open source and open standards-based platform.

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How Open Client Registry Works

What is the problem? Patient data is in different systems which are unlinked and duplicated. This makes it difficult to use clinical data for care coordination, reporting, monitoring, surveillance, and research.

What is the solution? OpenCR uses sophisticated matching methods using demographic identifiers to identify and link patients across systems.

OpenCR is your authoritative index of patients across information systems, facilitating clinical safety, continuity of care, and accurate reporting.

OpenCR is ready to use today!

  • OpenCR is open source and open standards-based.
  • OpenCR is built for scale on top of the popular ElasticSearch engine and HAPI FHIR Server.
  • OpenCR fits into any open or proprietary architecture because it speaks global standards; it's not dependent on custom database models or APIs.
  • OpenCR has a powerful UI to make manual corrections to automatic linkages.
  • OpenCR adapts to any record linkage use case by using probabilistic and deterministic matching, diverse decision rules and 25 algorithm variations.


This open-source software was created with the support of the MEASURE Evaluation project at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and was funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) under the terms of MEASURE Evaluation cooperative agreement AID-OAA-L-14-00004. Views expressed are not necessarily those of USAID or the United States government.